Michelle & Jory's Fall Engagement Portraits at the Maple Hill Farm Inn in Hallowell, Maine

Here it is. The last official day of summer. And I'm reaching for a blanket to warm up with the very fall like temperatures we are experiencing today in Maine.

What better way to ring in fall than to look back at Michelle & Jory's engagement portraits from last fall? And, with their wedding coming up this weekend (YIKES!), I couldn't help buy reminisce. That day was the most perfect fall day. A slight crisp to the air. The leaves were starting to turn from green to reds and oranges and fall from the trees. It was, in every way, awesome.

Michelle & Jory's story is one that I'll always remember. They met behind bars. No, not as inmates! As coworkers. Michelle was a nurse and Jory a corrections officer. And when the story of how a couple met is THAT good, you can't help but never forget it.

They are a perfect match. Michelle is bubbly and energetic. Jory has this reserved side to him that balances her out. But boy do they know how to laugh! Some of my favorite shots during their engagement session at the Maple Hill Farm Inn in Hallowell, Maine are when they are laughing. Sometimes it was a quip one made to the other. While other times it was something they were watching behind me. (I'll keep the what as our little secret.)

I have had such a blast getting to know both of them since Michelle first contacted me in September of 2014. From our initial coffee date when we realized we were at different Dunkin' Donuts right down the street from each other to their engagement portraits and then seeing the wedding planning and bridal shower festivities through our connection on Facebook. When I see Michelle & Jory on Saturday, it won't be as my clients. I'll be there to captures my friends getting married. And I can't wait to see it all as we come full circle to this day.

Congratulations, Michelle & Jory! Enjoy these last few days and get ready to have an amazing day this weekend. We can't wait to see you two!