The "W" Family :: Portraits on Mackworth Island in Falmouth, Maine

Fall is always a time of recovery for me. Catching up from the craziness of the summer and editing a ton of sessions and wedding; spending time with my family before my baby girl grows up; and writing a bazillion blog posts that I've had on the back burner.

This portrait session from the summer makes me heart so full it could burst. I first met Tarryn & Sean years ago back in 2010 when they tied the knot at the Pemaquid Light House. To this day, their wedding resulted in my of my all time favorite photos. After all these years, I will thought of them often and wondered how they were doing. So, when Tarryn contacted me to set up a family portrait session while they were on vacation in Maine, I just about jumped for joy! I absolutely love hearing from my past couples and hearing how married life has been treating them. Getting to meet their offspring? Sign me up!

We got together on Macworth Island off the coast of Falmouth, Maine, and took their son and two furry kids for a walk (or should I say that they took Aaron for a walk). Along the way we captured moments that make life perfectly imperfect: plopping down in the middle of the path and getting dirty, eating sand on the beach, the dogs wanting to be anywhere except for where we wanted them... the list goes on. My favorite shots were taken on the beach when the dogs were worn out and sleeping in the air conditioned car. The smiles. The laughs. That's real life. Geez, I love this family!

Family Portraits on Mackworth Island in Falmouth, Maine