Lauren & Jon's 2013 New Year's Eve Wedding in Portland, Maine

After two years of ringing in the New Year with amazing couples tying the knot, Alan and I have a low key evening ahead of us as we mark the close of 2015 and the start of 2016. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss the excitement we've had this day the past two years! So, with that in mind, I wanted to take a moment to look back at the past two New Year's Eve weddings that Alan & I were fortunate enough to capture.

The tradition started back on December 31, 2013 with Lauren & Jon as they got hitched at the First Parish Church in Portland, Maine before their rocking party to ring in the New Year at one of our favorite venue, Portland's Ocean Gateway. Looking back through their gallery brought the day back in a rush. From Lauren getting ready with her ladies at the Residence Inn while wearing monogrammed oxford shirts. To the absolutely freezing temperatures that they were hit with when they left the hotel to head to the Church. And Lauren & Jon's beaming smiles when they looked at each other. Oh, and then there was the fire alarm shortly before midnight. Yup. A fire alarm. And that meant bonding time with their friends and family as they all huddled in the cold to stay warm as the building was cleared by Portland's Fire Department.

With the champagne flowing, the clock counting down, and Phish tribute band Pardon Me, Doug rocking it out, Lauren & Jon certainly started off their marriage on one epic high note! Thank you for including us way back at the beginning, Luaren & Jon! We hope your second anniversary is fill with lots of love & laughter. And no fire trucks.