"J" Family Portraits at Fortunes Rocks Beach in Biddeford, Maine

My relationship with Michelle & Jory goes back almost three years at this point since they first contacted me to photograph their wedding at the Maple Hill Farm Inn in Hallowell. Since their first message, I've been lucky to photograph their engagement portraits, wedding, maternity portraits and, now, their family. Seeing them each time is like spending time with old friends at this point. Their names are well known in our house as Alan photographed their wedding with me. Seeing their relationship evolve to them being parents? Absolutely priceless. So it goes without saying that I was very excited to meet up with them this past week to capture the newest member of their family now that he is almost six months old. Watching his expressions as he laughed at his dad or when mom made a goofy face at him or when the dogs behind me started playing brought back memories as I see a little of his parents each time.

Michelle & Jory, thank you for trusting me to capture the story of your life together. And for the cuddles with your newest member of your family! He's a lucky little dude to have such awesome parents.