Porsche's Puppy Portraits at Dundee Park in Windham, Maine

A few weeks ago, one of my friends, Jim, learned that his fur baby was battling cancer. The diagnosis came through a series of unfortunate events that brought her to the vet's office. Getting the news, there were lots of hugs and wondering what any of us could do to make it better. For me, I turned to my camera and offered to meet up with them last weekend so that Porsche could have her very own portrait session.

With the foliage at its peak, we met up at one of her favorite places ever, Dundee Park in Windham. Now that it's closed for the season, we walked down the long road to the beach throwing a tennis ball for Porsche to race after with an occasional jump in the river for cooling off. We talked at length about her newly created bucket list of adventures and how instances like these, as unfortunately, teach us to really take advantage of the time we have. With the blue skies, crisp air, and leaves starting to fall a nice walk with friends was just what the doctor ordered.

Thinking that Porsche has slowed down at all post surgery is hard to believe. She raced around the park chasing after her beloved ball with the occasional roll in the sand or the leaves to scratch her back. She was the perfect model for me. Ok, lets be honest, she just really wanted the ball in my hand to be thrown in the river for her to bound after. I certainly had my fair share of drool everywhere by the time we had sufficiently worn Porsche out for the day.

Jim & Darci, thanks for spending the afternoon with me. Porsche, you are one tough cookie and I know you have many more balls to chase after and bucket list items to cross off. Thanks letting me play with you!

Here is a sneak peek of what is coming her way from her puppy portrait session...